Thursday, March 06, 2008

The cooker and the toilet

Our Taylors 029 cooker did start off as a total nightmare but only because we were doing it all wrong!

Find the saftey cut off valve for the paraffin and open it.

Under the burner (where the gas comes out) there is a little dish where you put some meths, ours has a little soak pad type thing but yours might be different.

Don't be stingy with the meths! It needs to burn for a while for it to heat up the paraffin and turn it to gas. We found this out the hard way.

Once your ample amount of meths has burnt out, turn the cooker knob and gas should come out, if it does you can light it with a lighter. If there is no gas its not hot enough. Alternatively you can also turn the knob just before the meths is just about to die and this should light the gas. Do not turn it on too soon as the meths goes mad and you get a huge flame.

This should now be burning with a nice blue flame that can be controlled with the knob.

When you have finished with the cooker, first turn of the safety valve and let the gas burn until its all gone, then turn off the cooker knob.

I managed to make chilli, steak and veg and a cooked breakfast. It also heated the boat up lovely with just the one burner on.

The toilet was a lot less complicated. Firstly, remember to open both of the toilet sea cocks. Once you have done your business close the lid and push it so it forms a seal. Then pump fully 10 strokes, wait 5 seconds and then do another 5. Lift the lid and if there is any water left pump until it is all gone.

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