Friday, July 25, 2008

Drinks Cabinet: Havana Club Rum

My favorite! It's the best rum I've tested so far. I'd say Goslings and Appleton estate come in a close second, but each of those are "in the mood for..." drinks, where as Havana is simply an anytime rum. -Except while working or driving. Well maybe while working.

Havana Club is a brand of rum, made in Santa Cruz del Norte, Cuba. The brand was established by José Arechabala in 1878. After the Cuban Revolution of 1959, the distillery and company was nationalized by the Cuban government.

Today it is still 50% owned by the Cuban government and exported by Pernod.

It's flavour is nothing like the chemical tones of a Captain Morgans. It's got a nice spice and caramel taste, which when mixed with coke does not over-power and retains it's nice light flavour.

This one I actually have two bottles of onboard, one in the drinks cabinet, and the other hiding in the bilge -for after any visitors have cleared us out. -Thats becoming a bit frequent actually, but it's always in good company so doesn't matter.

I'm going to have to try some other drinks over the next few weeks, maybe a Gin or Scotch. We're also real-ale fan's but fitting an ale-tank and tap on board maybe a bit too far... or is it?

Bit more expensive this one, usually around £16.99 a bottle, available almost anywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.